Wednesday, December 26, 2018

VI: Stressful moments, sweaty people, tired faces, I can see

For Christmas this year, Kate asked for a laptop for the sole purpose of writing.

"Well, if it had really been just for writing, it would have been some kind of chrome book, and that's not what we got. We answered a lot of specs questions that Danny had about how we would use it, and he decided it would be better to get something else, remember?" said the Researcher.

"I hate specs. They are so easy to drown in - analyzing every single stupid little detail that doesn't really matter - trying to compare things that you can't even see! And then, when you finally get to hold the thing in your hand and see it in real life, it's always different. You can read hundreds of reviews and still not know how it will work for you." This was an ongoing argument between the Anxious One and the Researcher. The other selves currently sided with the Anxious One more, albeit a bit grudgingly.

I am going to spell out the logic in a straightforward way:

Kate just had a baby.
Postpartum recovery is difficult.
Daily exercise helps the recovery be less difficult.
Exercise is not very fun.
Writing is always very, very fun.
Running is fast and easy and can be done outside.
The fresh air, sunshine, tiny pathetic strip of forest in the suburban subdivision near Kate's house - all of these things are wonderful to experience daily.
But it is too cold.
Kate caved and bought a gym membership.

Issues with the gym membership:
It is at the local community college gym.
The gym facilities are excellent.
Kate has lots of friends who go there.
It has an indoor track.
It has nice showers.
The gym's price includes childcare for up to two hours every day.
The gym's price also includes Danny's membership, a zero-entry pool that is not freezing, and exercise classes.
The gym parking lot is always crowded.
The front desk people at the gym are morons. But that's kind of expected.
There is also a cafe with the nice smell of coffee.
The gym is attached to the student center of the community college so there is a nice area in the lobby to sit.

The question: 
And write?

Is it it a nice place to write? That is what we are experimenting with right now. How long does it take to get through a workout? How does the lure of writing affect the motivation to get out the door and do a good workout? How can we somehow create a system that helps satisfy these two innate needs: consistent exercise and consistent "consecrated" time for writing? Does this solution make sense?

Holding a physical copy of the first book I wrote was incredible. ("I can't believe you're posting a link. That's blatant self-promotion," scowled the Anxious One. "It's also logical; whoever reads this will need a way to figure out what we are talking about," retorted the Researcher) To be honest, words cannot really describe -

"You moron. Of course words could describe it." said the Anxious One. "I bet now you're going to waste a lot of words attempting to describe it."

"Waste? It was GLORIOUS! We could write volumes about how glorious it was! And I mean literally, volumes!" said the Tragic Romantic.

No, no. We are not going to do that. The point of this time - this system, this plan - the point is to set apart time for us to actually finish some of the more pressing, more important projects.

"Right. But it also makes sense to start with something easy, low-stakes, and somewhat fun. Like a warm-up. I read about it, but I guess I could read more..." mused the Researcher.

The Anxious One scowled. She hated change of any kind. She liked routines. When the routines changed, she always complained. Everybody by now was used to this. It was just a fact. She also had a strong aversion to, for lack of a better word, cheese. She just hated it. The mere idea of a "writing warm up" seemed ludicrous. It's not like they were writing a marathon. And the idea of warming or stretching finger muscles seemed...just totally pathetic.

It remains to be seen if this is going to work. The only way it will is if the warm up time is limited.

It literally expires this very minute, so that's all there is to say about the topic for now.

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